Oxidizing Free Radicals and
Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS)
Note: Please excuse the disorganization and rough edges of this page -- it is still under development!


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If an egg blend sitting out on the counter gets oxidized, not only are good "thingies" (gosh, I love these techie terms which I dream up!) deactivated (meaning less of them) by oxidation, but, worse, some rather nasty ROS (reactive oxygen species) are formed, including oxidized cholesterols, peroxidized fats, some superoxide ions, and some other nasty "thingies". The nasty thing about these nasties (gosh, I am really impressed with my broad and wide vocabulary!) is that that these ROS are far more powerful and aggressive (promiscuous) oxidizers of poor innocent bio-molecules than were the original oxygen atoms in the air bubbles which started the whole thing. It is kinda a chain reaction as well, and a bit runaway unless natural antioxidants (including active hydrogen from products such as MegaH®) are present to donate electrons and satiate (and neutralize) the horny promiscuous ROS molecules. Sorry about the interspersed sexual lingo, it's the neurosyphilitic damage; can't help it! (Or, it may be that everything in our bio universe is rather governed by those darned F----ing electrons!)

So, with a brief passage of time after blending, the egg blend becomes not only less nutritious but also becomes a bit of a nasty cocktail due to the proliferation of ROS.

Incidentally, the above is why whole dried eggs are so nasty (I do love my techie terms!) to the body, and why some folks believe that soy-industry-funded "researchers" in the 50s and 60s chose to use oxidized dried eggs in their studies to compare to soy oil and soy protein, rather than fresh eggs. Whole dried eggs contain lots of highly-oxidized cholesterol, and damaged cholesterol is as bad for your body as fresh clean cholesterol is good for it. Using dried eggs in a nutritional study on humans is guaranteed to make eggs look bad! One of my professors in grad school mentioned that something similar was done by like-minded researchers in the 60s and 70s when they wished to discredit coconut oil and make soy oil look good: their studies used hydrogenated (crosslinked; full of TFAs) coconut oil rather than raw coconut oil!

MegaH is extremely powerful stuff and a little bit goes a long way. For many applications, a third of a capsule is all that is needed. At a recent medical conference on managing cases of Hepatitis C, a practitioner revealed that he had had over 300 remissions of Hep C viral load counts (to undetectable viral load) by having patients mix 1/3 cap of MegaH with water every 4-5 hours and drink it. That is a cap or two a day! I often use a fraction of a cap of MegaH to preserve 20 ounces of blend.

Is MegaH natural?  To me, MegaH simply supplies the body with a nutrient (the H- ion) which was always ubiquitous in nature in our planet's early history: present in high altitude mountain well-water, in glacial runoff water, in some oceans and lakes, and in all fresh and raw foods (produce, eggs, meats, especially liver and kidney), but which is markedly deficient in modern tap water, in processed and cooked foods, and even in much non-organically-grown raw foods (I guess the pesticides, often being oxidizers, neutralize the H-ion).

Oxidation can happen in living or non-living systems, and at any temperature. Rusting is a form of oxidation: oxygen or some other reactive species (atom, ion or molecule) steals an electron, changing the original substance. Oxidation of iron results in "destruction" of iron (meaning it is no longer in the metallic form) and formation of iron oxides. Oxidation can occur at any temperature above absolute zero Kelvin. In the non-living world, burning is an example of very rapid oxidation, occurring at high temperatures. However, oxidation can occur in the Arctic at sub-zero temps. Indeed, in the biological world, our lives depend upon a delicate balance of oxidation versus reduction, although, on this planet at this time, usually the oxidative processes get the upper hand in our bodies, resulting in accelerated aging (for us life forms), due to damage DNA and cells (forming tissues), cross-linking of tissues, the  accumulation of oxidized end-products such as lipofuscins, and finally accumulation of "damaged" oxidative endproducts, many of which are substances known as AGEs (Advanced Glycosylation End-Products; some sources spell the second word as "Glycation" or "Glycolisation"). 

Thus the popularity of antioxidants, both in nature (occurring in almost all raw plant foods and animal foods), and on vitamin store shelves. They help slow runaway oxidative processes caused by Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS). Much of my remote mountain laboratory is devoted to nutrition research in the area of powerful biologically-friendly substances as found in nature and raw foods which can act as powerful primitive antioxidants. Our ancestors got plenty of these in their environment, food and water. Modern folks do not. I have lab instruments which can measure the degree or amount of oxidation (damage) versus reduction (antioxidant activity, and usually good unless it is extremely excessive) in foods and substances. 

Now to address the action of blending foods in a blender. Blending is a rather violent action that whips millions of tiny air (containing oxygen) bubbles into the substance, while also, at the same time destroying any integrity of the whole which protected the contents (the eggshell is gone, the fruit skin is removed, etc.), from the air (and oxygen). Those little air bubbles have lots of surface area, exposing lots of good thingies in the blended mix to lots of oxygen FAST. So oxidation is vastly accelerated. The presence of oils from nuts, of fruits, or of honey, to some extent protects the oxidation-prone "thingies" (such as raw cholesterol and some enzymes) in eggs from oxidation. Raw olive oil helps as well because it contains mostly monosaturated fats which can coat the small particles and globules of cholesterol, protecting them, and it also contains lots of neat antioxidants, which will slow the oxidative processes. If I am going to let an egg smoothie sit for more than 1 minute before drinking, I add 1/3 capsule of MegaH or two ounces of a SAM Type 4 fermented antioxidant brew per six eggs to protect the good "thingies" from oxidative destruction by ROS. 

MegaH™ is a registered trademark owned by Flantech Group.

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